Our Purpose
The mission of Richmond’s trained, volunteer Tree Stewards is to promote and improve the health of city trees to ensure the city’s forest will survive and thrive. This is accomplished by increasing public awareness through community education, planning and planting for the future, and providing maintenance and care for young trees on streets and in parks. Tree Stewards work closely with Urban Forestry and with other organizations interested in the health of our community forest.

Our History
We have been an active organization since 2007 when the dormant group was revived by Norm Brown, a city arborist until his retirement in 2013. It was his vision and enthusiasm that created the dynamic team that is today known as the Richmond Tree Stewards. Like a sapling, the Tree Stewards were given constant attention by Norm, nourishment in the form of training, classes and on-going education, and support through his liaison with and representation of the Stewards to the City. Word-of-mouth communication among citizens who care about the City and specifically the urban forest, brought more interested people to learn and grow and share and make a difference. Interest is what got us here, but it was Norm’s passion that made us all want to be here, and want to stay. Because of Norm, Richmond is a better place, and the Tree Stewards that he envisioned have become a critical part of the care of the City’s living environment. Thanks Norm!
In March of 2017 Richmond Tree Stewards were pleased to receive Richmond City Council’s Community Service award in recognition of our service to the Richmond community.
City of Richmond Community Service Award
Tree Stewards are led by an Executive Committee and the Tree Steward Advisory Panel who work closely with the City of Richmond Urban Forestry Division to plan projects, events and classes consistent with the mission to care for the urban forest and provide education.
Executive Committee
- Dana Marshall, President
- Scott Morrison, Vice President
- Pamela James-Goodenow, Secretary
- John Grogan, Treasurer