Training Class: Hands-on Pruning Lab (I or II)

Location TBD, check SignUp Genius

This is a mandatory workshop for trainees only. You need to sign up for only one weekend time slot, 8:30-10:00am or 10:15-11:45am. We will provide hands-on pruning instruction in small groups led by experienced Tree Stewards. Tools will be provided. Please wear RTS t-shirt or safety vest, gloves, safety glasses, hard-toed shoes. Bring water. Times […]

Training Class: Hands-on Pruning Lab (III or IV)

Location TBD, check SignUp Genius

Registration on SignUp Genius required. Qualifies for pruning credit hours. Improve or brush up on your tree pruning skills. Work with various tools. We will review safety, structural pruning, clearance […]